The Avenue of the Arts
By Art Builds Community
“Sun Flowers” by Jennifer Madden & Jeffrey Reed, 2002
Art Builds Community is excited to work with the City of Palo Alto Public Art Program to develop a Public Art Plan for the California Avenue District. The project is a recommendation developed within the City of Palo Alto Public Art Master plan adopted in 2016. The Public Art Commission determined that developing an art plan for California Avenue was a priority for this year. Any recommendations that this plan makes for the future of public art for the California Avenue District may be funded through the Percent for Art in Private Development.
Art Builds Community and the Palo Alto Public Art Program staff will gather feedback through coUrbanize and other forms of online community outreach and engagement from the Palo Alto community that lives, works and plays in the California Avenue District in order to create a collaborative vision for the Avenue for the Arts!
Over the next few weeks from 7/14/20 to 8/15/20, there will be many opportunities to participate. If you live, work, or play in Palo Alto then we encourage you to participate and share your feedback!
Here’s how you can get involved:
1) Share your ideas and feedback about public art opportunities on the map and comments section of our coUrbanize page:
2) View our virtual webinars and focus groups to provide comments on the coUrbanize platform
3) Look out for our interactive signage along California Ave to participate through text and voicemail
4) Get the word out by sharing this project with your neighbors, family, and friends
5) Subscribe to this project to stay updated on the latest news and events.